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Implementing Microsoft Power BI with Stracl


This document provides a brief description of the benefits of integrating Stracl data into Power BI, initial set up, and updating the Power BI template.


Stracl is a cloud-based software to automate and accelerate change management. It is primarily used by Change Management Professionals, Project Managers, Instructional Designers, and Security Specialists to do the following tasks: 

  • Conduct Stakeholder Analysis  
  • Conduct Change Impact Analysis 
  • Analyze and mitigate Change Impacts  
  • Create and manage Communication and Engagement Plans  
  • Perform Training Analysis & Design and track Training Development  
  • Map future-state roles to security access and required training   
  • Access selected corporate Organizational Data to support projects


  • Analyze your Stracl data in Microsoft Power BI
  • Your company determines what can be seen. 
  • Each team can analyze the data the way they want.

When Microsoft Power BI accesses Stracl SaaS, your change impact data analysis improves. Your data requests are accurately and efficiently delivered to Microsoft Power BI because of changes in your company’s Org. Data are automatically synced by Stracl SaaS.

Set Up

  1. To get started, go to Stracl Admin Menu and click on Integrations. Click on 'Configure'.
  2. Click on 'Create API Key'.
  3. Below you will see the URLs for available data.


Download Microsoft Power BI, open, and click 'Get Data'. Click on 'Other' and then 'Web'. Choose 'Connect' and click 'Advanced'.

Paste the URLs listed on Stracl Admin Menu. Type 'authorization' under HTTP request header parameters and add your personal API key. Click 'OK' to connect.

Update Power BI Template

Open template and click on the 'Model View' on your left. Click on the 'Transform Data' dropdown and click 'Transform Data'.

In the new window, click on a query, select 'source' under 'Applied Steps'.

Paste your personal API Key between [Authorization="xxxxx"] and click on the checkmark to save your changes. Repeat with all queries.


Client needs to have Microsoft Power BI Desktop or other versions.

Starter Kit

Stracl will provide you with a fully configured example report where all data models are configured.

Available Data 

Module Data Object Type
General Projects Main
General Org Data Main
Engage Stakeholder Groups Main
Engage Stakeholder Group Categories Main
Engage Stakeholder Analysis Main
Engage Change Impact Analysis Main
Map Positions Main
Map Security Roles Main
Map Tcodes Main
Communicate Communications Main
Train Courses Main
- Stakeholder Group - Project Connection
- Stakeholder Group - Employee Connection
- Stakeholder Group - Change Impact Analysis Connection
- Stakeholder Group - Communication Connection
- Stakeholder Group - Course Connection
- Stakeholder Group - Stakeholder Group Category Connection
- Position - Employee Connection
- Position - Security Role Connection
- Position - Course Connection
- Security Role - Project Connection
- Security Role - Tcode Connection
Communicate Report - Comms - User Survey Report

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