Lesson 4: Create and Add Members to a Stakeholder Group

Create a New Stakeholder Group

  1. Select the Engage module’s Stakeholders menu
  2. Click the +New button
  3. Enter the data for your new stakeholder group, select the category, and then click the Save button
  4. Contact your Stracl Admin if you want to add additional columns or change the names of the Stakeholder Category

Add Members to a Stakeholder Group

  1. Select your stakeholder group from the Engage module’s Stakeholders menu
  2. In the new screen that displays, click the Add button

3. In the popup screen that displays, enter a name or partial name to filter the data

4. Click the checkboxes to select individuals to be added to this stakeholder group

5. Click the Add Selected Employees & Save button

6. The employees that you selected have been added to this stakeholder group

7. To remove an employee from this group, select the employee, and then click the Remove button

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