Lesson 11: Answers to FAQs and Tips

Answers to Common Engage Module FAQs

Can one person be a part of multiple stakeholder groups?

  • Yes. Stakeholder groups are used to organize individuals into areas of impact. One person may be included
    in multiple areas of business impact.

How long does it take to enter a group of employees' information (e.g., employee ID and email) into Stracl?

  • Stracl offers an easy way to import employee information quickly.
  • Your Stracl Administrator can download the Excel template, paste employee information into the template, upload that file into Stracl, and you are done!

How do I revise a stakeholder group category name?

  • These category names are dynamic labels. Contact your Stracl Administrator and request a change to the label if necessary.

Engage Module Tips and Tricks

Tip 1

Using Excel, you can paste about 700 to 800 user IDs directly into the ID field.

  1. Choose a stakeholder group on the Stakeholder screen.
  2. When a window comes up on the right, select the pencil icon to edit the Stakeholder group.
  3. In the Stakeholder Edit screen that displays, click the Add button.
  4. Paste a group of user IDs into the ID field (commas will be added automatically, with no spaces!)
  5. Verify these names, and then click the Add Selected Employees and Save button.
Tip 2

Select the Stakeholder group to view the group descriptions in a pop up window on the right.

Tip 3

Hover your mouse over the Question Mark icon to reveal additional information.

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