Answers to Common Communication Module FAQs

What are Communication Types and how do I change them?

Communication Type is a way to group your types of communication channels. It is easier and quicker to find and select them.

How can I view the communication plan’s timeline?

On the Communication Plan page click the Calendar tab to change the view of your communications.

When I open a communication item it says Survey Results, not Survey Footer. I did not send out a survey so why did the button name change?

The Survey button’s name changes when you mark the communication as complete.

Use Communicate Module Tips and Tricks

  • Use the Copy button when you work on the Communication Plan. For example, once you have published your first newsletter, the next one should be much quicker to set up in Stracl if you copy the setup data by clicking the Copy button.
  • Share your communication plan with non-Stracl users. On the Communication Plan page, click Share to display the web page and use the page link to email to a colleague with whom you want to share your plan.
  • Use a Communication Survey Rating. This is a great way to get feedback on a specific communication. Like all communication activities, it needs to be consistently used and tracked. It is also important to make sure that it is positioned correctly. For example, is the survey about the way the communication is written or the message that it contains?

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