Admin Course Key Terms and Course Summary


Term Definiton
Module One of the four Stracl menu groups: Engage, Communicate, Train, and Map. User access to these modules is controlled by the Stracl Administrator
Project This is where you work in Stracl. You can set up multiple projects. Projects are set up, maintained, and made accessible by the Stracl Administrator
Dynamic Labels Field labels that can be customized for all Stracl projects (instance wide) or on selected projects (project specific). The Stracl Administrator can customize the menus and reports for your organizations, so that they fit with your process or project terminology
Filters Filters allow you to sort or categorize information entered in a module. Filters are used to organize and group Stakeholders, Communications, Training Courses, Positions, and Security Data. The Stracl Administrator will set up and maintain the filters for your organization
Position A Position is the default field label that is used by the Map module. In Stracl you can rename the Positions label to another name, such as Job or Business Role. These changes are done by the Stracl Administrator to match your organization’s process names or requirements.
Org Data Your organization’s employee data. The information about a person is limited to basic data such as ID, name, email address, manager, and location. No passwords, work performance history, salary details, or personal data is ever collected or stored in Stracl.
Mapping The process of linking system users to their positions.


Term Definition
Administrators Individuals who are responsible for managing and maintaining Stracl.
Users Individuals who enter and maintain data in Stracl modules. Users are billable. They are set up in Stracl by the Administrator when he or she sets up user security.
Mappers Individuals who link users to positions. Mappers are not billable. If you have a large number of mappers who are not set up as users in Stracl at your organization, you should contact Stracl Sales to learn more about Single Sign On (SSO) details and pricing.


Term Definition
REST API Using the REST API will connect Stracl to your organization’s org data for automatic scheduled updates, eliminating the need for manual spreadsheet uploads in Stracl. This is a separately priced service, so contact Stracl Sales for details and pricing.
SSO Single Sign On allows your managers or employees to access Stracl using their corporate federated accounts, to do mapping and approval. Stracl SSO uses SAML protocol and works with cloud systems like OKTA, Centrify, Bitium, and OneLogin. This is a separately priced service, so contact Stracl Sales for details and pricing

General Stracl Icons

Course Summary

Now that you have completed this course you should be able to:

  • Explain the responsibilities of a Stracl Project Administrator
  • Describe the Stracl setup process at an overview level
  • Describe the Stracl Admin software menu structures
  • Set up and maintain users in the system
  • Add a project and customize dynamic labels
  • Add and edit filters
  • Import data spreadsheets into Stracl
  • Explain key Stracl Admin terms, definitions, and icons
  • Answer Stracl Admin FAQs

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