Lesson 4: Set up and Maintain Users

Set Up Users in the System

Access the Admin Menu in the sidebar menu and navigate to the User Security screen

Click the +New button to begin

  • Select Single User from the small popup screen
  • Enter this user’s information and permissions for each module
  • Assign an initial password that you will send to the user after you have finished this setup
  • Remember to click the Save User button when you are finished, and then close the screen

Maintain Users in the System

You can revise an end user’s permissions:

  • Click the Edit/Pencil icon to update an end user’s permissions
  • Click the Copy icon to duplicate the user access for another user
  • Click the Tools/User Preferences icon to update individual preferences
  • Click the Deactivate/user icon to stop user access for this end user
  • Click the Trash Can/Delete icon to remove all access for this end user

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